
Saturday, 15 March 2025

Another ramble through Amble

 Another ramble through Amble. March 14th

Numbers reduced again for a variety of reasons four of us are out on what could be a cold, damp day in Northumberland.

Starting from Warkworth after breakfast at Bertram's, parking by the river, walking coast and country a splendid day is guaranteed for all. 

The walk is covered by OS Explorer 332 Alnwick and Amble.

              Free parking by the River Coquet in Warkworth.

Leaving Bernard's we turned left and headed for the two bridges that span the river, used neither and walked along the bank, up a street and arrived at the main village road near the castle.

Warkworth Castle. 12th century and a Percy stronghold.

Not far beyond the castle we turned left on the road to Amble. The road is close to the river which is home to swans, cormorants, herons and the occasional egret. A few birders out today with their long lenses.

The coastal path leaves the road, fortunately, and wanders round the Amble Yacht club, crosses the harbour square to Pan Point and turns south past the cemetery.

                        The Amble lighthouse
                  In the Amble playground.
Beyond the cemetery we took to the path through the dunes, there is a proper road if you prefer.
 There's a good view of Coquet Island, a nature reserve but once the weekend home of St. Cuthbert.
                              Coquet Island

 At Low Hauxley we joined the road through the collection of beach houses until we reached the path into the Hauxley Nature Reserve.
 It's for birds to nest in. It's next to the path to the reserve.
There are several picnic benches close to the visitor centre at Hauxley so we called a Herbie: Cherry Bakewells, Bakewell slices and scones today.
Lunch over we walked up to High Hauxley, turned left and walked on the road to th next junction. (mile 6)
We crossed the road, went through a gate and joined a footpath.

     Not too obvious bu this marks the beginning of the footpath.
The footpath turns into a farm track, hedges on both sides, like a Green Lane but not stone walled. Passing Hope House, crossing the B6345 we continued on to New Hall, a very big farm with lots of potato crates stored away. Turning left we reached St Oswald's Way and headed north.

                           Follow St. Oswald's Way to Warkworth..
WE kept to the road until we reached a housing estate in Warkworth close to the castle. A footpath goes round the back of the castle and then down a steep path to the river.

                                      Castle and Coquet
And in no time we were back at the car. On the way home we stopped at the Widdrington Arms. The TTL was in such good form we had several, but not the driver.

Contains OS data, copyright. Crown copyright and database right 2025
#The walk is just over 10 miles, easy going, coast and country.
                               St. Lawrence's Church Warkworth. Norman .
                               Amble art
                                  Amble Yacht Club

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